3DSurveyGroup has a long experience in the 3D survey of complex architectures and large monumental sites and their restitution (reality-based modelling and 2D technical drawings), finding the best solutions fitted on the building.
Below, discover some examples of our work.
Since 2008, an intense survey has been underway in the Milan Cathedral. The operations, over the years, have been conducted with laser scanner and photogrammetry choosing or integrating the different methodologies according to the environment, the necessary “drawing” to support the different sites’ maintenance operation but always concurrently with the evolution of the method and the software. The “principal actor” of conservation activities is the “marble block.” The Veneranda Fabbrica organizes the activities identifying the areas that are in need of intervention and identifying which blocks will be affected by replacement operations, tessellation, or consolidation. Thus, the objective of the survey activities and the subsequent modeling phase was to build a detailed 3D model in which the marble blocks are easily recognizable in terms of their shape, size, position, and texture (only for the outer part). All the elaborations produced, the 3D models, the two-dimensional representations, and the orthophotos, allow for the identification of the blocks, as to provide proper technical support for site operations. In parallel with the survey and modeling activities, an ad hoc online information system was created to support the construction site activities in a smart manner. The system allows for the consultation and the sharing of the 3D models and all the data necessary for maintenance operations of the entire Cathedral.
Further information about our work in Duomo di Milano can be found here:
Duomo di Milano – The Main Spire
Duomo di Milano – Altars Project
Duomo di Milano – THE BIM PROTOTYPE