The research team participated to the 27th International CIPA Symposium  from 1-5 September in Avila, Spain. During this importa congress we had the change to present the progresses and results of our research activities.

In particular, Prof. Francesco Fassi was invited as a keynote speaker and talked about “Survey complex architecture with a metrological approach: challenges and scopes“, showing the journey and the evolution through time of  survey techniques and their employment.


The other keynote speakers presentations are available in the dedicated section of the official CIPA website.

Moreover, we presented other three articles:

Alessandro Mandelli – The digitalisation of ancient egyptian coffins: a discussion over different techniques for recording fine details, where he spoke about the work behind the temporary exhibition “Archeologia Invisibile” (see the previous post here) at Museo Egizio di Torino until January 2020.

Cinzia Tommasi – Towards an advanced conservation strategy: a structured database for sharing 3D Documentation between expert users – where she spoke about the database BIM3DSG that we are building in close collaboration with Ente di Gestione dei Sacri Monti. 

Luca Perfetti – Backpack mobile mapping solution for DTM extraction of large inacessible spaces – presenting an inquiry about the  accuracy reachable with mobile mapping systems compared to the state of art of this technique. 

It was a great experience and we saw lots of interesting researches, which are all published in the ISPRS website. The location was also outstanding, in fact Avila is enlisted in UNESCO Word Heritage list (and you can imagine why from the beautiful images below).

Enjoy the photo gallery and be prepared for the next symposium, in Beijing, China in 2021! Follow the CIPA’s Facebook Page to stay update with news and next events!

 You can also find more photos of the event in the official CIPA website

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