Archaeological Survey

Nowadays, the Cultural Heritage survey, in particular the archaeological sites’ one, must guarantees velocity of execution, accuracy and low cost.

The modern and available survey techniques are based on laser scanning and close range photogrammetrical and UAV.

The knowledge and programmatic approach applied to the methods of survey and restitution of the Cultural Heritage starts from the definition given by the art. 29 of the Cultural Heritage Code, where ” the conservation of the Cultural Heritage is ensured by a coherent, coordinate and planned activity of study, prevention, maintenance and restoration”.

In this definition it is considered the survey activity as a complex study that requires a global approach in the models, knowledge strategies and scientific methodologies definition.


Within the dualism technology-human sciences, the role of the 3DSurveyGroup is to put metrology at service of the experts in the team, of the public, as well as of future memory. The group’s mission is to join forces with all the team members to maximize data recording before the progress of the excavation destroys the archaeological contexts. The aim is twofold: to increase the subsequent study potential when the mission ends, and to record and disseminate information on the actual context of the finds, that is usually lost.

L.I.F.E. PROJECT – ERC Consolidator Grant 2015

The scope of L.I.F.E. is to offer a complete set of archaeological and environmental data to be used to investigate Late Roman settlements along frontier desert areas and to reconstruct the underlying strategy to control the empire’s desert edges. The case study is the chain of Late Roman fortified settlements that punctuate the Kharga Oasis (Egypt’s Western Desert), that in the Fourth Century represented a portion of the southern boundary of the empire. All these sites, located in a remote and harsh environment, share the same architectural features and are endowed with similar agricultural installations, thus suggesting the existence of a highly motivated large-scale strategy of occupation of the region.


The survey of the artefacts and anthropological structures, which came to the light during the Naples tube’s excavations, was realized through the acquisition of laser scanner and photogrammetric data.

Viewed the site’s complexity and requirements, the survey uses the most advanced instrumental techniques: the methodical and data processing one. It requires the progress of the research in several levels, from the data’s acquisition to the elaboration’s system, which support the site’s activity.


In November 2009 is been leaded one first survey test on a six arches portion (from pillar 49 to 55) of Claudio’s Aqueduct that is located in the aqueduct park in the south of Rome. The aim of the test was to find the best measurement and representation methods according to the goals of Roma Archaeology program.

Monti, C., Gasparoli, P., Fregonese, L., Achille, C., Bassi, S., Fassi, F., Scaltritti, M., Gli acquedotti. Prime attività ricognitive per un approccio di “sistema”. Rilievo e visite ispettive, In Roma archeologica. Interventi per la tutela e la fruizione del patrimonio archeologico. Secondo rapporto, a cura di Roberto Cecchi, pag. 222-242. Ed. Electa 2010

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